Appointments Advice

Booking Appointments


Access the online appointment system

Access eConsult

You can book appointment by telephone by calling reception. Some appointments are available to book on-line such as 

  • blood tests
  • flu vaccinations

Please note, the main pressure on the telephone lines is between 8am -11 am and if it is not urgent , it maybe best to avoid calling during this busy period.

To make online appointments you will need to register for the service. Please contact reception for your username and password.

Please let us know if you have any special requirement when making your appointment, including if you have caring responsibilities.

If you are unable to keep your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can offer it to another patient.



Please do not contact the surgery by email for medical advice, referals , sicknotes. Use E-Consult as it will be dealt with much more quickly



You can ask for advice, request sick notes etc for yourself or someone else using e-consult. You will find the link on the home page.

How to use E-Consult

FAQs about E-consult

Please note E- Consult should not be used just to request an an appointment.


Telephone Advice & Test Results

Test results are received electronically and arrive after 11am. Please telephone after 2pm for your results to allow time for them to be checked by a doctor. Test results can also be viewed on the NHS app.

If your test results are normal or as expected, you will not be contacted automatically.

If you need advice about your results, please either use e-consult or speak to our care navigators in reception.


Cancelling Appointments

If you are unable to keep your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can offer it to another patient.

Appointments can be cancelled using our online system or by calling reception on 01728 723627.


What is a Care Navigator?

Care Navigators are members of GP support staff who have been trained to help patients get the right help from the right health professional as soon as possible by asking for a little more detail from the patient when they call.

How does this benefit patients?

With Care Navigators, patients are more likely to see the right person, first time, and may be seen sooner than they would if they see a GP. The patient can better understand their options, have more choice and may avoid travelling to the surgery unnecessarily.

What sort of questions might I be asked?

The questions that you are asked help the Care Navigator to ensure patients are seeing the most appropriate healthcare professional for their problem as a doctor is not always suitable. Some examples of questions you could be asked include:

  • Could you give me some idea of the problem, so I know who best to book you in with?
  • Can you tell me a brief idea of what it is regarding please?
  • To ensure you are booked in appropriately, would you mind saying what the appointment is for?

What if I don’t want to tell them anything?

All staff are trained and uphold the same principles of confidentiality, but if you’d rather not give any information to the Care Navigator, that’s fine. Just tell them that you would rather not talk about it and they can book you the most appropriate appointment based on the information they have. You will not be pressured into giving any information you aren’t comfortable giving.

Are you trying to stop people from seeing GPs?

This isn’t about stopping people from getting the care they need; it is about helping patients find the right service to be seen by the right person. This might mean seeing a GP, pharmacist, nurse or another healthcare professional.

What about patient confidentiality?

All practice staff take data protection and patient confidentiality very seriously, so whilst you may notice that your local GP receptionist asks you a few more questions, you don't need to worry. They are just helping you to get the right care from the most appropriate member of the General Practice team.

What alternatives to a GP might be offered?

Depending on the information given and a patient’s condition, you may be better off seeing a practice nurse, pharmacist, mental health worker, physio, midwife or dentist. In some cases, such as test results or x rays, you may not need an appointment.

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