Domestic Abuse
If you are in immediate danger, call 999
What is domestic abuse?
Domestic abuse is common. Although in most cases women are the victims, men can be victims too.
Children at home will be affected directly or indirectly by what they see or experience
If you think a child or young person is at risk of abuse, harm or neglect please call 0808 800 4005
This is a 24-hour service staffed by a team of professional people who will listen to your concerns and take appropriate actions.
Domestic abuse can be a single event or multiple occurrences of controlling, threatening, degrading and violent behaviour. This can include sexual violence. In most cases the abuse is by a partner or ex-partner, but it could be a family member or carer.
Remember Domestic abuse can happen to anyone
Domestic abuse services
Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care
They give emotional and practical help to victims of crime in Suffolk
0300 303 3706 (8am-5pm)
If you need support outside opening times call 0808 16 89 111
Anglia Care Trust
Provide support for victims of abuse
Call 0800 977 5690
This independent domestic violence advisory serice address your safety and risk of further abuse
Call 0300 561 0077
Lighthouse offers safe and secure temporary accommodation
Call 01473 228 270
Orwell Housing
Provides a safe environment for women and their children fleeing dometic abuse
0845 467 420