Medicine Cabinet

It is common to have minor illnesses, aches and pains that can be safely managed at home. You will find examples of some useful things that you might consider keeping at home.

It's important to always follow the manufacturer's instructions so you know how much medicine to take or to give to children, and how often to give it. If you're not sure, get advice from your pharmacist, GP or a Health Visitor.Never give the medicine more often than recommended, and don't give any more than the stated dose.

Keep all medicines out of the reach of children.

Medicines to keep at Home (Patient info)

Paracetamol : For headaches, fevers , colds, sore throats and pain

Anti-Inflammatory pain killers: For relief of pain, fever , period pains

Antihistamines: for hay-fever and allergies

Ant-Acids : for indigestion. If symptoms persist seek medical advice.

Hydrocortisone cream: a mild steroid cream for eczema, bites and stings

Antiseptic Solution: for cleaning cuts and grazes.

Antiseptic Cream: For treating spots , sores and grazes.

Calamine Lotion: For dabbing (not rubbing) on insect bites and stings and sunburn.

Mouth ulcer treatments

Dressing Strips: For minor cuts.


3" Wide Crepe Bandage: To keep dressings in place. To support sprained or bruised joints.

Gauze Squares: For cleaning cuts and grazes.

A thermometer: To take your temperature

You might also consider

A blood pressure machine: For monitoring you own blood pressure