Menopause and HRT

The menopause is when your periods have stopped completely. The average age of the menopause is 51 years

Lifestyle measures such as exercise, reducing alcohol consumption, weight loss can improve the symptoms of the menopause.

You do not need a blood test to diagnose the menopause if you are over 45 years and have typical symptoms.

You can find information and advice about the menopause and HRT from organisations such as:

NHS UK - the menopause

Menopause Matters

Rock my menopause

Womens health concern

The Daisy Network (information for people experiencing a premature menopause)

Menopause Clinic

The practice has seen a large increase in patients wanting to discuss the menopause. 

The practice has recognised the importance of this and we are piloting a dedicated menopause clinic. 

Our Care Navigators will know which clinic to book you into and provide you with questionnaires which will need to be completed prior to your appointment.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

HRT does not provide contraception. It is important to consider contraception in addition to HRT. You should also continue to have cervical screening and breast screening when recalled.

You can find further information here


Patient info-HRT

Patient info- alternatives to HRT

From 1st April 2023, women in England will be able to access cheaper HRT.

Please find information here

HRT reviews

If you are taking HRT you will need a review each year. This review is conducted in the form of a questionnaire. You will be contacted if there are any concerns

You will be asked to complete a HRT questionnaire annually.  You will only be booked for a call if your answers raise any concerns.