Practice Policies
Access to Medical Records
You can now view online summary information from your records, i.e. medications, allergies and adverse reactions along with test results.
As providers of healthcare services, our staff ask you for information so that you can receive appropriate care and treatment. Everyone working for the NHS has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential.
You may be receiving care from other people as well as NHS staff. So that we can all work together for your benefit, we may need to share some information about you. We only ever use or pass on information about you if people have a genuine need to know and it is in your and everyone's interest. Whenever we can, we remove details that identify you. The same rules of confidentiality apply.
You have a right of access to your health records. The General Data Protection Regulation (2016) gives you the right of access to all information that the Practice holds about you on manual and computer records. It is your legal right to see your records and if you so wish, to obtain a photocopy of them. Only in exceptional circumstances can access be withheld. If you would like to apply for access to your health records or receive further information about this please contact the Practice Manager at Framlingham Surgery.
Infection Control
We take Infection Control very seriously at Framlingham Medical Practice. We have a dedicated Nurse and support team who attend regular Infection Control updates and carry out regular checks on the following-
- Hand hygiene
- Equipment checks
- Waste management checks
- Environmental checks
- Prescribing Audits
If you are attending the surgery for any rash related illness please do let us know in advance so we can take the necessary precautions to isolate you in a separate consulting room until you are seen.
If you have anything you would like to raise or report please do speak to our reception team
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults & Protecting Children
If you are being abused, or you are worried about anyone who might be suffering abuse (whether a child or adult), you can help by either discussing this with your GP or contacting Suffolk County Council, Customer First on 08456 023 023.
Violent & Abusive Behaviour
The Practice has a duty to provide a safe and secure environment for patients, staff and visitors. Violent or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated and decisive action will be taken to protect staff, patients and visitors.
Comments & Complaints
We always welcome feedback from our patients both good and bad! If you would like to make any comments or suggestions please do submit these via our feedback form today.
Complaints Procedure
If you would like to make a complaint this needs to be submitted in writing to the Practice Manager. You have the choice to either complain directly to us here at Framlingham Medical Practice or to NHS England but you cannot do both. If you have already made a complaint to the practice and have been provided with a response to your complaint, the next stage is to either request a further response from the practice answering your further concerns or attend a meeting with the practice to try and achieve a local resolution.
If following a second response or meeting and a local resolution has still not been achieved, you can then approach the Ombudsman to request that they investigate the complaint.
If you do not want to make complaint direct to the practice, then you are welcome to contact NHS England as follows:
BY POST: NHS England
PO Box 16738
B97 9PT
BY TELEPHONE: 0300 311 2233
This information is also available on the Framlingham Medical Practice website
Click this link for our practice complaints leaflet
Feedback Form
You can use this form to send your comments, suggestions, problems or praise to the practice. The information will go to the Practice Manager initially.
Please find our staff policy for Data Security and Protection