Pregnancy Advice


A midwife is a health care professional who cares for you during pregnancy and for a short period afterwards. Our practice midwife is Kayleigh Salter. When you discover you are pregnant , you must self-refer to arrange an appointment with her. Please book an appointment with her around your 9th week of pregnancy

Self refer to antenatal care

Further information about the first appointment with your midwife


The Mum and Baby app provides extra information and support throughout pregnancy, birth and the postnatal time.

Mum and Baby app


Before you are pregnant

You can improve your chance of getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy by

  • Taking folic acid (available from the chemist) before you get pregnant and until 12 weeks. 
  • Taking Vitamin D (10mg) during your pregnancy and afterwards if you are breastfeeding
  • Quitting smoking
  • Stopping alcohol
  • Maintaining a healthy weight. You can check here your BMI here
  • Checking that any medication you are prescribed, or that you purchase is safe in pregnancy
  • Ensuring you vaccinations are up-to date
  • Ensure that your cervical screening is up-to date
  • Talking to a doctor if you have a long-term condition, are overweight or have a family history of spina bifida

If your BMI is more than 30 you will need to take a higher dose of folic acid (5mg). Please contact the surgery to prescribe this.

Trying to get pregnant

Planning your next pregnancy


What If I Do Not Wish to Continue With My Pregnancy?

If you're not sure about continuing with your pregnancy, you can discuss this confidentially with a healthcare professional at the surgery. Your options are:

  • continuing with the pregnancy and keeping the baby
  • having an abortion
  • continuing with the pregnancy and having the baby adopted

As well as our GPs or a nurses , you can get advice from:

If you are over 13 years old, we won't tell your parents but we will encourage you to do so. If you're under 25 and would prefer advice specifically for young can contact Brook Advice 

Further information on what to expect if you would like an abortion


Your Pregnancy

If you have a problem you can call the maternity triage number on 01473 703334. 

It is important that you seek advice if you experience any of the following symptoms

  • Reduced movements
  • Bleeding
  • Persisitent itching
  • Visual disturbance
  • Headaches
  • Abdominal pain

The more you know about your pregnancy and your options, the more you are likely to feel in control. The information given here is based on The Pregnancy Book, which your midwife should give you at your first appointment.   

What to expect when you are pregnant- week by week

Keeping well in pregnancy

Antenatal care and classes

Choosing where to have your baby

Labour and birth

When pregnancy goes wrong


Flu Vaccination

It is recommended that pregnant women receive the flu vaccination to reduce the risk of complications such as pneumonia.

Further information about the flu vaccination during pregnancy


Whooping Cough Vaccination

It is recommended that pregnant women have the whooping cough vaccination between 16 and 32 weeks of pregnancy to protect your baby. The immunity you get from the vaccine will pass to your baby through the placenta and provide passive protection for them until they are old enough to be routinely vaccinated against whooping cough at 8 weeks old.

Further information about the whooping cough vaccination


COVID-19 Vaccination

COVID-19 vaccines are strongly recommended in pregnancy. Vaccination is the best way to protect against the known risks of COVID-19 in pregnancy for both women and babies, including admission of the woman to intensive care and premature birth of the baby.

Further information about COVID-19 vaccination and pregnancy


Support during Pregnancy

Maternity leave, benefits and employment rights

Pregnancy can be a trigger for domestic abuse, and existing abuse may get worse during pregnancy or after giving birth. Domestic abuse during pregnancy puts you and your unborn child in danger. It increases the risk of miscarriage, infection, premature birth, and injury or death to the baby. 

Domestic abuse in pregnancy


You and Your Baby

What you will need for your baby?

Health visitors work with parents who have new babies, offering support and informed advice from the ante-natal period until the child starts school at 5 years.

Within Suffolk, our Health Visiting teams are integrated with our Children's Centres, providing a range of services to help you and your family stay safe, happy and healthy.

Suffolk Health Visiting and Children's Centre Service website provides information and support for you and your child


Homestart - Support after you have had your Baby

Text: 07708 032524

Home-Start is working in partnership with NHS Maternity & Neonatal Services to offer families a place to go for advice, support, and signposting about anything to do with
• your post-birth recovery
• looking after your baby in their first 6 months
• signposting to groups and sources of support

It will be manned Monday - Friday 10am -2pm.
Text your question and a member of the team will contact you.


If you think a child or young person is at risk of abuse, harm or neglect please call 0808 800 4005.
This is a 24-hour service staffed by a team of professional people who will listen to your concerns and take appropriate actions.


Content Supplied by NHS Choices