Safe Surgeries
We aim to recognise the barriers to healthcare access that exist, particularly for migrants in vulnerable circumstances. Small changes in practice can make a difference
Safe Surgeries - Doctors of the World
We will not turn you away if you lack proof of ID, address, or immigration status.
You can also register even if you do not know or do not have an NHS number.
Anyone in England can register with a GP practice and see a primary care doctor or nurse for free. You do not need to provide proof of identity, address or of immigration status to register with a GP practice. This also applies if you are an asylum seeker, refugee, homeless , or an overseas visitor, whether lawfully in the UK or not.
You should register even if you are fit and well. You never know when you may need health care and the practice can offer preventive services to keep you healthy. You may have to pay for some treatment on the NHS, but routine vaccinations are free. If you need a chaperone or an interpreter, please ask.
You can find details on how to register with a GP at NHS.UK. If you have problems accessing health care dial 111.
This You tube video explains about NHS entitlement
See this YouTube video about immunisations
It is good to check with your GP practice and make sure you have had all the vaccines we offer for free here in England. It does not matter why you have missed them; it is important to catch up and get protected.
Health check
When you register you will be offered a health check. This is so that we can understand your health needs more and provide you with the better care.
If you require an interpreter, this can be arranged.
What to expect form a health check.
We may ask questions such as those listed below:
- Where are you from?
- How long have you been in the UK?
- Under what circumstances have you moved to the UK?
Social circumstances
- How much social support do you have?
- Do you have access to accommodation?
- Are you worried about finances and employment ?
- Do your social circumstances affect their physical or mental health?
- Do your children have access to education (school, nursery)?
Specific health concerns
- Are you immunised line with the UK schedule?
- Do you know how to contact a dentist?
- How is your vision and hearing?
- Do you have contraceptive needs?
- Do you have a diagnosed learning disability or physical disability and how does it impact you?
Risk of infection
- Are you worried about any infections?
Chronic conditions
- Do you have a condition such as diabetes or asthma?
- What is your family history?
- What medications do you take?
- Do you have any allergies?