GP Fit notes (sick notes)

The Fit Note: guidance for patients & employees.

You do not require a Fitness to Work (Fit Note) certificate for any illness lasting seven days or less. Your employer may however require you to complete a self-certification form (SC2) which is available from your employer or on the HMRC website.

A private sickness certificate for an illness lasting less than seven days will incur a charge as non-NHS service.  

Details of our fees are displayed in our waiting area. 


Evidence that you are sick

If you are sick for more than seven days, your employer can ask you to give them some form of medical evidence to support payment of SSP (statutory sick pay).

Most employers will ask for a Fit Note if you have been unwell. However, this will also depend on your employer's company policy on sick leave (or sickness absence). This policy should tell you how many days you can be off sick before you need to provide proof of illness or a Fit Note.


Requesting Fitness for Work Certificates – Fit Notes

Changes to Fit Notes (July 22)

You can request a ‘Fit Note' using our Anima online service.

Please go to Anima | The integrated care platform | Patients for more information about Anima.

Although a handwritten and signed note can still be provided, most Fit Notes are digitally generated on the computer and do not require a signature. Please ensure we have an up-to-date mobile number and email.


Fit Notes for hospital treatment

If you are receiving hospital treatment, the hospital should provide you with a Fit Note. Please speak to them first



There is never a charge for providing a fit note should a patient be sick from work for more than seven days.

However, should a patient request certification that they have been unwell during the first seven days of their sickness, then this would be classified as a private medical certificate and a fee would ordinarily be charged.

Examples of this may be when an employer requests medical evidence from employees who repeatedly take time off work for sickness – a fit note cannot be used for this purpose.

At this organisation, the fee for this would be £50.