Under 25

Your privacy is taken seriously

Our confidentiality notice


Help for young people

The Source provides information and advice for young people living in Suffolk

You can find advice on

  • Relationships
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Learning
  • Work


Mental Health and Wellbeing

The Emotional Wellbeing Hub is a free service for anyone under 25 years of age, who are living in East and West Suffolk

They Provide support if you are worried about your emotional wellbeing and would like to make a self-referral to access specialist Mental Health Support Services.

You can The Emotional Wellbeing Hub team on 0345 600 2090, and press option 3. (Open Monday to Friday from 9am – 3pm).

If your mental health is causing you extreme distress, please call NHS 111 and select option 2

You can access free and confidential support from these other services:

  • KOOTH.com - Provide free and anonymous online counselling and peer to peer support to 11-25 year olds. 
  • ChatHealth Text Service - Text a Suffolk school nurse to ask for help and advice on all kinds of health issues. Text: 07507 333356. 
  • Young Minds 24/7 Crisis Text Messaging Service - Text YM to 85258. Go to: Youngminds.org.uk
  • CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) - Male suicide prevention charity for men and boys who need to talk to someone privately. Call: 0800 58 58 58.  
  • Papyrus provide help and advice if you feel suicidal or are concerned about someone you know


Sexual and Contraceptive Health

All doctors and practice nurses can discuss your contraceptive requirements and are available for contraceptive advice.

Please go to our Contraception and Sexual Health Page or look at Sexwise for more information

If you prefer, you can contact iCaSH Suffolk on 0300 300 3030. iCaSH provide advice on contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) and HIV . You can self-refer, or a member of our team can refer you.


C-Card Scheme

The C-card-scheme  is aimed at young people between 13-24 years old. You can register to get a range of free condoms, femidoms, lube, dams, information and advice.


An Unplanned Pregnancy

If you're not sure about continuing with your pregnancy, you can discuss this confidentially with a healthcare professional at the surgery. You will find more information on Sexwise .Your options are:

  • continuing with the pregnancy and keeping the baby
  • having an abortion
  • continuing with the pregnancy and having the baby adopted

As well as our GPs or a nurses , you can get advice from:

If you are over 13 years old, we won't tell your parents but we will encourage you to do so. If you're under 25 and would prefer advice specifically for young people.you can contact the Brook Advisory Service 


Sexually Transmitted Infections ( STI's)

If you are concerned about a STI you can speak to one of our team, self-swab or order an Express Postal Test from iCaSH. iCaSH can also see you in person


Chlamydia Testing

1 in 12 sexually active people under 25 years is likely to have Chlamydia and doesn’t know it.

So what is it? 

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection which spreads about easily from partner to partner because you don’t know you have it.

Why is it important? 

Untreated Chlamydia in women can cause pelvic inflammatory disease and is the biggest cause of preventable infertility (unable to get pregnant when you do want to). Chlamydia in males can lead to swollen and painful testicles. This is all so easily prevented with a quick test.

How do I do the test? 

The test is simple. No embarrassing examinations. Our nurses can provide swabs at the surgery and you can self-test. Alternatively you can order an Express Test from ICaSH Suffolk



You can find  information covering a range of different things such as coming out, faith and religion, and staying safe. Try looking at:


The Proud trust


Drugs and Alcohol

There are many reasons why someone might drink alcohol or take drugs. Young Minds provides facts on drugs and alcohol, how they can affect your mental health, and advice on what to do if you need support.